All Good
Things Are
Wild and Free

Wild and Free - two things I aim to be in life. Whether it's through my unbecoming journey, the content I create, the path I do or do not all comes from a place deep within my soul that longs to be set free to be who it was created to be. Which is often more than this world tells or allows of us.

If I'm being honest, I think we could all stand to be a little more wild and a little more free.

We all have this one wild and precious life to live and be and do. 

Yet we spend so much of it stressing, seeking approval in wrong people and places, struggling within, and simply surviving. When it comes down to it, we take it for granted. But I believe you, me, WE were created for more.

More life. More purpose. More joy. More worth. More courage. More wild. More free. 

But somewhere along the way, between lies, worldly standards, social media, life struggles and overall busyness of life, we seem to have lost that. We’ve lost the fact that we were created to be more, not less and to actually live our one wild and precious life.

So, it’s time to change that.

It’s time to rewrite the narrative of our own lives. To take back our potential and become all we were created to be. To let go of that which we are no longer so that we can live as who we truly are and experience all this wild and precious life offers.

Let’s become wild and free together.

My Mission

My purpose in life is creating a life I love and am proud of. A big part of that being to have impact and influence on others. I am passionate about influencing and impacting lives through:

  • Content I create (podcasts, Instagram, writing)
  • How I interact with and treat others (ask questions, stay curious, always accept and welcome)
  • The ways I show up in this world and live my own daily life
As I go about my journey, I can only hope to help you create a life you love and are proud of as well—whether that be through direct impact or influencing from near or afar.

My Methods

My mission fuels my passion; my methods purposefully release it. Here’s how:

  • My Podcast, Unbecoming
  • Writing (books, poems, captions, blogs)
  • Instagram Video Content
  • Speaking
  • Serving Others

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

Ralph Waldo Emerson